About Us

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I fell in love with the music of the Grateful Dead in 1981. The following year, I attended my first Grateful Dead concert and immediately fell in love with the live music experience, which was far fuller and richer than just listening to records. I was hooked, and I knew I had to go to more shows. But what really intrigued me was the whole subculture that existed around the band. There was a family vibe, a community of like-minded individuals who embraced the counter-culture movement of the 1960s  and carried it forward into the 70s, 80s, and into the 90s.

Maybe 10% of the concertgoers didn't go home after the show. They somehow made enough selling their wares in the parking lot to get up enough cash to pay for a ticket to the next show and gas money to get there. They just went from one show to the next. It seemed like there never failed to be another show. And the traveling was somewhat akin to the old-time adventure of running away and joining the circus. 

There was an outside scene before the shows in the parking lots and an inside scene during the performances. Hippies were hanging out in the parking lot way before the show started. The atmosphere was full of happy hippies hanging out: loving life, partying, hacking, playing guitars, and doing business. Trading and selling wire-wrapped and beaded jewelry as they were making it. Stir-frying vegan food. Walking around selling Devil Sticks, Tye-Die T-shirts, and so on. During the 80s, I dabbled in selling various products; however, I became increasingly intrigued by all the cool-looking Guatemalan clothes and accessories. 

By 1989, I was intrigued enough to go to Guatemala and see who made these things and what the culture was like. When I got to the rural central highlands of Guatemala, I was immediately captivated. The surroundings' exquisite beauty, exotic culture, and warm-hearted people surely resonated with me. The beauty of the land matched the beauty of the Indigenous Mayan culture, which in turn matched the beauty of the products they had been crafting for hundreds of years. This was a turning point in my life. Traveling, buying, and selling became a way of life. The experiences I gathered throughout my journey fueled my passion for exploring new places, connecting with diverse cultures, and bringing back things to share with others. It's been a remarkable journey that has become my livelihood and a true reflection of my authentic self. I have been back to Guatemala many times since then, and I have made many friends there. I have been able to build a successful business selling Guatemalan textiles and accessories, and I am proud of what I have accomplished. If you have the chance, you must visit Guatemala yourself to see and understand the natural beauty of this country and the Indians who make the beautiful things. The culture, the people, and the products are all amazing, and I feel lucky to have been able to experience them firsthand. 

Happy Sales, Happy Trails!

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